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What can we say about age differences in a relationship between men and women? What is acceptable and what is not? What gives you the highest chance on success? In general First we need to say in … Read all

Today's generation has long been breaking stereotypes, the matter is that we do not control it, life itself has its own arrangements for us. A woman in her thirties is the same as a woman in her 20s, … Read all

Any gift brings joy. Everyone knows it and, perhaps, this is its main and indisputable feature. Each gift is symbolic by its value, so the choice of gifts for a woman should be conscious since each of… Read all

For centuries, women fought for the right to determine their own destiny and their own role in the world. They refused to accept a set of ideas about traditional gender roles imposed by society. And… Read all

Life is a very interesting thing! It is really difficult to make a foreign man marry you, if you can see only his photo, if you are acquainted only by letters and a huge distance divides you. But yo… Read all

Nowadays, the Internet has been firmly integrated into people's lives, being a source of information as well as a means of communication. We can positively say that since the Internet was created th… Read all

It’s a well- known fact that men and women are totally different creatures. It can be seen in the way they are called: a man is the stronger sex, a woman is the weaker sex. We often think up differe… Read all

How often we can hear about love! But is there love? What is love? Everyone is arguing about the meaning of the word "love" - philosophers, doctors, scientists. Each of them has a point of view dif… Read all

Love...A true love...or just attraction...And what have you experienced? I can say for sure you have experienced all of these three states of mind. But it's not easy to figure out what exact feeling… Read all

It is possible to meet someone through our site and to find your significant other. Someone who is your friend, lover and your everything. It starts with meeting someone online and then after some t… Read all