What if it's truly love?

How often we can hear about love! But is there love? What is love?

Everyone is arguing about the meaning of the word "love" - philosophers, doctors, scientists. Each of them has a point of view different from the other. The concept of "love" is also used when we are talking about a special affection to nature, music, painting, etc.

The common meaning of the word "love"

Each person invents his own definition for the word "LOVE" but not everyone can describe it. The interpretations for this word are different, but still there are common notions. The common meaning of the word "love" is when one person needs the other, when an individual cannot imagine his life without the other. It often happens that it is impossible to meet someone whom you can trust your feelings and thoughts to, whom you can let into your life.

The psychology of both sexes

Love is a many-sided feeling, but men and women have different attitude to it. It can be explained by the psychology of both sexes.

Women like it when the man pays court to her or chases about her, gives her gifts, flowers. The woman demands the proof of love, she has constant doubts about his love, she always seeks the confirmation.

For men it is enough that the woman is near, he does not ask for proof of love from the woman.

Sex between men and women

No need to talk much about sex between men and women. It is believed that for men the words sex and love are different concepts. Many women believe that sex is impossible without love. She can only have sex with him as long as she loves him.

Love of men and women

If a man loves, he is sure of his feelings, as it takes him a long time to decide to let a woman in his heart. A woman waits for her love for so long that she is able to falsely convince herself of her love for the man. Hence, a woman falls in love more often than a man.

The love of a woman is tested by her actions. If she loves, she does not humiliate her darling. A loving woman is able to sacrifice herself, if only her sweetheart was happy.

Love is a mutual respect

But it’s unacceptable that one loves and the other just enjoys the fact that he is loved. This often applies to women: they "love" to be loved. A woman does not walk away from this man, telling herself that her lover will not survive if he is left.

But love is a mutual respect of a man and a woman. So a one-sided love is not a true love. You might be mistaken about love (take infatuation for love), but you can't cheat. You cannot play on the nobility and decency of the other person and make an excessive use of his feelings and honesty. You must correctly assess the situation and choose a suitable partner.

There are many men and women in the world

There are so many men and women in the world, but still it is possible to meet your soul mate. You only need to really want to.

Our website will help you to overcome the boundaries and to meet your love.

Every person defines for himself what LOVE is all about, and puts his own ideas in it.

Wish you all to find your LOVE, your alter ego!

Good luck and LOVE!

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