How to behave to make him marry you...

Life is a very interesting thing! It is really difficult to make a foreign man marry you, if you can see only his photo, if you are acquainted only by letters and a huge distance divides you. But you should not get despaired! All you need is only to believe your partner, to believe your feelings.

What should you do to get married?

The most common way is talking about your future wedding. You should talk about it not only to your friends, but also to your lover. But when your partner is away from you, then your thoughts and hopes can become an object for discussion of your lover's relatives and friends. Another successful way for marriage is when your lover is used to satisfying all your wishes and desires.

The tame and persistence

One more frequent way is making him tame and persistence. It means to remind him how beloved and beautiful for him you are... But when a man is told the same things for a long time he either agrees or stops any relationships with such a tiring person. In order to take this position you should be persistent and diligent.

Many Russian women often get hurt for trifles and it becomes their usual behavior. For some women it becomes a trick which helps them reach the result needed (get married).

Helplessness and weakness

One of the ways of manipulation may be helplessness and weakness. If in previous cases a Russian woman got a deep insight into the needs of a man, this situation is the opposite. For a foreign man the image of a helpless and weak woman makes him feel sorry for her. There are men who need to show their care, to feel to be necessary for the woman. In this case the man offers his love to the Russian woman himself.


Some foreign men prefer to be admired. A little flatter, agreement in all his deeds with no arguments, supports the man spiritually. There are men who like the society of educated women. They feel their advantage over the men who have "silly" wives.

The impulse in making a decision

All the above is suitable to give the impulse in making a decision of your partner. But a real family life is not measured by one day. Mutual respect, good manners, common interests and love mean a lot more than a seal in the passport.

For a successful, really happy family life you just need to become his other half, to share his joys and troubles. Then all the other problems will solve themselves: engagement, marriage registration, wedding.

Affection begins with the mutual gravity

Hopefully, this article was of some help for you to choose your behavior strategy... Lora Day once said: affection begins with the mutual gravity between two persons. At first, it is just a chemical process. Have you ever noticed that as soon as a person falls in love, crowds of former admirers begin to pursue this person? Isn't it amusing? Perhaps, you know it from your own experience. Why all those people didn't pursue you when you were so lonely? Strange as it seems, the easiest way to find your love is to love. We come to an endless circle: to find love we should be attractive but we are the most attractive just when we love!"

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