What is the right way to give gifts to women?

Any gift brings joy. Everyone knows it and, perhaps, this is its main and indisputable feature. Each gift is symbolic by its value, so the choice of gifts for a woman should be conscious since each of them reveals the nature and intentions of a man who is going to present something. 

There has already been spoken and written many times about the types of gifts men should give to women. However, men rarely think about the fact that it’s important not only to choose a right gift but also to manage to present it competently as even the most long-awaited gift will not evoke proper emotions to a woman if it is given in a wrong way. By the way, this regularity works also in the opposite situation, when even a small thing can evoke a storm of emotions if it’s wisely presented.

So, let's learn the right way to give gifts to women in order not to offend them and on the contrary to make them happy.

The right time

First, you need to choose the right time to give a gift which should be convenient for a woman, and the moment should be right and appropriate. There is no need to wake up a woman, who loves to sleep, at 7 a.m. to present her with a ticket to an evening film show. Maybe she will rejoice at such a gift, but only in the evening, being at that film show, quite probably without her admirer who made her angry in the morning with his early visit.

Plus, a woman shouldn’t be busy at the moment of giving the gift. It is better when she is alone, is in a good mood and is not distracted from the act of the gift giving by her thoughts and feelings, otherwise she will not be able to appreciate your efforts.

You should give a gift bravely, looking into the woman’s eyes, doing that with confidence and smile with a desire to please your woman. Doing so, don’t be afraid to be misunderstood. The accompanying speech shouldn’t be hard to understand and it’s necessary to speak clearly and to share your feelings - a woman will certainly notice and appreciate it.

In fact, women like getting attention and always look for it. Very often the gift itself doesn’t possess a decisive value for them. The main thing consists in giving a gift from the bottom of the man's heart without offending a woman by pointing out her shortcomings. Although, a woman can immediately take a gift quite coldly, but trust me, she will be very happy at heart because of the fact that one needs her, that she is desirable and evokes a desire to give her gifts.

The right occasion for a gift

Remember that an occasion for a gift can be the most unusual and this applies not only to classic holidays! Women get enough attention during their birthdays and on the 8th of March so a gift by a man risks to be missed in a pile of similar presents. What to do and how should a man win a reputation, doing it in a beautiful and romantic way?

There is one way! An unexpected gift will be much more spectacular if it’s timed to a date related only to the relationship of the couple. Women appreciate it a lot when men remember important dates of their communication and relationship. It can be a small and cute little thing in honor of the 10th day after the date of the first kiss or a neat souvenir as a reminder about the first day after a long period of being apart. Anything can become a starting date for the occasion of presenting a gift. No woman can resist such a surprise. In general, the reason can always be thought up. The main thing is to have a desire to please your chosen one.

The effect of surprise

Surprise should become the main weapon of a man, in other words, gifts should be given unexpectedly. For example, waking a beloved woman up with breakfast in bed or returning from the shop 20 minutes later than it was promised, but unexpectedly with a chic bouquet of flowers. Any moment at which a woman doesn’t expect to get a gift will be ideal for its presentation. Of course, you always should know where to stop.

You also need to listen attentively to what a woman is talking about. Sooner or later, she will mention for certain something that she lacks in her life to be absolutely happy. You just need to remember that thing and it’s even better if you write it down. The more ideas you have, the easier it will be to think up a gift with the effect of surprise, when the right time comes.

You can even make up a story for your gift. To tell how long the man was thinking about a gift, how he chose it, how he remembered the woman's words before buying a gift. It’s important to let a woman feel the solemnity of the moment of receiving the gift.

Unique gifts

As a rule, expensive gift giving is acceptable only among the near relatives. However, when a man likes a woman, she also gets a certain status and in such a case an expensive gift is appropriate for her. It all depends on the desire and ability of a man.

Giving a woman a thing of own making has recently been considered to be a manifestation of the special warmth of feeling. Nowadays this tradition is gaining popularity. Each woman is pleased to receive as a gift beautiful embroidered gloves, a skillfully knitted scarf, a painted picture or a funny trinket carved out of wood - anything made by her man. The real cost of the gift is not so important as the main thing is that it should be valuable and significant to the recipient. The inspiration for unique gifts can be found in any object!

Gift packing

You need to pack gifts for a woman! She will surely appreciate a beautiful combination of paper and ribbons. Both the packaging and its content reflect quick wits, imagination as well as the taste and courtesy of a man who is giving a gift.

However, that’s not all regarding the packaging! First, this is a good way of compensation if a man has some suspicion about the fact that his gift isn’t good enough. Secondly, even if he is confident about his gift, it will show once again to his woman that he is attentive to small details when it comes to her joy. Thirdly, you don’t need to deprive a woman of a child's pleasure of a two-minute-intrigue and furious struggle against the wrapping paper. It’s so cute and fun!

Two functions of gifts

The first one is a sign of attention, which we can call as the ritual assigned by traditions. Coming to a birthday without a gift will be treated as a violation of social standards. It’s also appropriate to present gifts on 8th of March and for the New Year. It does not matter whether a man wants to bring joy to a woman or not, if she enters into his sphere of communication, he must give her at least something.

The second function is a sign of personal attention to a woman. In this case gift presenting is a personal matter of every man. A gift is necessary not at that moment when we want to give it and not when we certainly know which thing a person wants. A gift is necessary for the holiday! And it should be an expression of the good attitude of a man to a woman, and the holidays here are the symbol of real sincere relations between people, and not a mean for soothing bad conscience. The ability to give gifts shows the ability to love a person.

The rules which a man should know and remember

If a man likes to give gifts, then he knows how to overcome his own egoism and how to take care of what his woman needs, he knows how to take care of her wishes and mood.

So, let's sum up all the above in the present article:
1. For a birthday you should give such gifts which will be used only by a woman and not by her whole family.
2. You shouldn’t give something from your collection which you grudge to part with, a man should give presents to a woman whom he likes and everyone must feel good at the same time.
3. It’s indecent to give a lady money and to advise at the same time "to buy what she wants." If you really are not indifferent towards a woman, then you should take some pains and think up a right gift for her which will bring joy. Money can look like a dole and just can offend.
4. Don’t give very expensive gifts, in this way a man can put a woman in an awkward situation, unwittingly humiliate her or let her feel dependent of him.
5. If you are invited to a house where there is absolutely everything, and the woman can’t be surprised with anything, then you shouldn’t give way to despair and puzzle over to get money for an expensive gift. You can give a thing which isn’t valuable but which differs from others with its rarity and grace, or you can also make great play with your gift.
6. The gift packing is important, namely a beautiful combination of paper and ribbons. 7. Regarding the edible gifts, there is an insidious rule - they should be immediately served up and you should take it into account.
8. Don’t give jocular gifts which can be misapprehended.
9. It’s good if a gift is a real surprise.

Giving gifts is a real art which, like any other art, can and should be learnt because it’s a manifestation of a person's inner culture. By doing so, it doesn’t matter whether you give an expensive gift or just a cute souvenir!

Get away bashfulness and uncertainty. Remember that giving gifts is no less cute than getting them. Find in your soul some warm and joyful words. Be for her an almighty and kind wizard! Share with a woman a part of your love towards this world!


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  • Posted 3 months ago
Какая замечательная статья, во всем согласна с автором. Ведь если мужчина делает подарки женщине, это значит что он заинтересован в ней, хочет радовать ее, заботиться. И очень важно знать что этот подарок сделал искренне и с любовью.

A very wonderful article, I agree with the author. If a man makes gifts to a woman, then this means that he is interested in her, wants to please her, and give care. And it is very important to know that he made this gift sincerely and with love.
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