For a Ukrainian woman in her thirties, life has just begun!

Today's generation has long been breaking stereotypes, the matter is that we do not control it, life itself has its own arrangements for us. A woman in her thirties is the same as a woman in her 20s, but just more independent, well-groomed and confident. Is it really like this? 

Over the last few years the world has changed drastically. Thirty-year-old unmarried women are no longer considered to be old maids. Well, what if you are 30-35 years old? The situation can still easily be corrected and everything is just the beginning! But before, remember, every girl who became 20 used to try to marry, start a family, have kids, etc. It was all cultivated in the little girl by parents, society, standards. It was normal, natural and right.

Nowadays our young 20-year-old contemporaries rarely see themselves in the role of a housewife at such a young age. Instead, they focus their efforts on personal development and career building. Good education, a prestigious job and material well-being, overshadow the importance of marriage, forming a strong base for loneliness. But loneliness is not what the young ladies seek; most often they just don’t have time for personal life. And the years go by.... And now, the woman’s life plans are almost implemented, the education is obtained, the work suits her, and at last, she has some free time, but her social circle has long been narrowed, and besides, all the men she knows are not good for the role of husband. So, how to find a husband when you’re over 30?

Women’s life values by the age of 30

By the age of 30, the woman is already formed as a personality and she realizes clearly what she wants both from life and from the partner. With the increase of years, a woman’s life values change, so now what is important for her is mutual understanding, respect, trust, support and protection. And the opportunity to tell the man her thoughts and emotions and to be listened to.

While young girls primarily pay attention to the attractive appearance of the partner, in their middle 30s they also notice his social status, life views, material well-being, common interests and attitudes to marriage and children. As a result, the list of candidates shortens even with a wide circle of contacts.

Women's individuality and success

Of course, the woman’s great career or social status as the evidence of her exceptionalism and remarkable talent, also can attract men's attention – everyone loves bright and successful people. Therefore, thirty-year-old ladies do need to emphasize their individuality and brilliance. This is normal in today's society.

But still, single women over 30 often think that life is passing by, and they haven’t met their soul-mate yet. In our youth, for us it seems that 35-40 years old is almost an old age. Personal life at this age is confined to family responsibilities and habits. But really how to find a husband, if a family life before this age didn't work, is a complete riddle. Indeed, even active ladies are not eager to go to the discos or cinemas, and their social horizons consist of colleagues, relatives and a few friends. Some of them have never been married, some are divorced and are bringing up the kids, others have their children grown up and left home to live their own lives.

Women's wisdom and positive attitude

Actually, the age of 30 is not the end of life, but just the beginning. The woman is wise enough not to have illusions, and is still quite good-looking, because she knows exactly how to highlight her best features. She has already had all the fun and fully enjoyed life, she has burnt her fingers and has learnt her lessons and now she is seeking a quiet, comfortable life and a stable relationship.

At any age, you can make a difference, it is only important to understand exactly what you want!

You want to have a good marriage? Go ahead! Not everything, but a lot in this matter depends on you. A successful marriage for love is a gift, you should feel it for yourself, both with your body and soul. In this case, it’s not good to hurry. Think well, it will not be a waste of time. Never rush in. Even if you meet the man who seems to you to be the best in the whole world. A good marriage is not some kind of lottery. Its major part must be designed and constructed by you and you alone.

It means you should constantly pay attention to the development of your personality, be ambitious and you shouldn’t stop there. With age, people pay more attention to their inner personality, rather than just their appearance. So, it is important to be an interesting person and always have a positive view of life. After all, only very few people want to communicate and especially to start a family with someone who is constantly complaining about life, health and other problems.

Personal development of women and optimism

Diversify your life, be in motion, because when sitting at home, it is impossible to meet your fate, and the "work-home" route does not usually allow you to meet new friends. But for example, visiting a gym, or going to the cinema, exhibitions, concerts may well be a kind of the beginning of the story. A key point is not to concentrate on how to find a husband, but to be yourself and simply to enjoy the walks, trips, new acquaintances, and eventually, you will discover that you have become noticed and you arouse a genuine interest of the others.

If a woman knows how to behave naturally and skillfully emphasizes her strong points, she can find a life partner at any age. Look at life optimistically: men are interested in positive-minded bright women. Wisdom and reason may turn out to be an additional highlight to help you find your soul mate.

Dream, but do not get obsessed with this problem, or maybe not even a problem, but just a small bump. Find interesting things to do, communicate with friends and then love will find you! Don't say "I'm lonely", but say "I am free"!!!

Everything has its time!

Therefore, dear ladies, if you are single, enjoy your unmarried life, benefit from this situation and do not bother with trifles. God has His own plans for each of us, He may have reserved the best candidate for your hand and heart. And perhaps in this life, you have been created for other commitments. Sooner or later, time will put everything in its place. The main thing to remember is that you do not owe anything to anyone, your life belongs to you alone! The fact that you are not married yet is your private business! When you are in your thirties, your life has just begun!


Read more news from the category: Women



  • Posted 8 months ago
I want to get to know a Ukrainian girl well! And maybe someday get married! I’m from the USA in Iowa. I pray for peace, Scott ❤️????


  • Posted 8 months ago
Thank you YULIYA, for your deep understanding of human psychology.
What you write is very wise and can apply to men and women universally.
Gérard (from Paris)


  • Posted 8 months ago
Hi Yuliya
Very nice explanation how life can go in actual time! I am not a woman, but the story is also applicable for men.


  • Posted 8 months ago
Отличная статья))))) Согласна совсем, единственное что могу сказать)))) ,,Таки да,,!!!!!!! P.S. В 40 лет у меня тоже жизнь будет только начинатся.)))

Excellent article))))) I agree completely, the only thing I can say is)))) ,,Yes,,!!!!!!! P.S. At 40, my life will also only just begin.)))
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