Terms of service

Effective date: 30 May 2024

The Terms of Service determines and regulates the rules for users and registered members of our website Datingsinglesworldwide.com, you are responsible for their non-observance. Datingsinglesworldwide.com is hereunder also mentioned as our website, we and us.

Acceptance of Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

By registering on our website Datingsinglesworldwide.com, you are accepting the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Your use of our website and any personal information you provided through our website are subject at all times to this Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

Having accepted the Terms of Service you guarantee that:

- your age is not under 18;
- you are single and your are searching for a serious relationship and or a life partner;
- you try to show your best points in order to create more chances;
- when you will find a relationship, then you will put your profile on hold or delete it;
- you will not execute commercial activities;
- you will not duplicate nor transmit personal data of other users to any third parties;
- you will place a personal and decent profile photo and no profile photo on which you are invisible or unrecognizable;
- you will not provide inaccurate, misleading or false information nor data on your profile nor in messages. If information provided to us, or another member, subsequently becomes inaccurate, misleading or false, you will promptly notify us of such change;
- you will not ask for or publish in the open access or in messages any contact information (e-mail, post address, meeting place, ticket details, phone number, URLs, references or any other contacts), nor any data, text or other content, which evidently or by implication offend the human dignity or well being of the users of our website;
- you were not convicted or were not under examination for moral or sexual crimes;
- you will not harass, threaten or intimidate of another member or person that works for us:

- you will not make indecent proposals or ask for money to enrich yourself, but you will respect the other person.

We reserve the right to:

- modify its website at its discretion, including services and prices;
- edit or delete data that you have published on our website, if it violates our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy;
- to monitor the correspondence that is going through our server, and prevent certain messages from reaching their recipients as well as editing message content if it violates our Terms of Use or Privacy Policy;
- refuse, put on hold or delete your profile without prior notification, if it violates our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, credits that were standing on such deleted profiles cannot be repaid;
- remove your profile when several members of our website reporting you of abuse or violation of our Terms of Use or Privacy Policy;
- put profiles on hold which are inactive for 12 months or more, we do this after prior notification;
- to delete profiles from our database after prior notification, when a profile was inactive for more than 48 months, credits that were standing on such deleted profiles cannot be repaid;
- to block Members from certain IP addresses from accessing our website, at any time in our sole discretion, in order to protect the integrity of our services.

We are not responsible for:

- the provision and keeping of information and data published by you, about their authenticity and accuracy;
- your interactions with other members online and offline and the way you build relationships with them. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other members;
- the conduct, whether online or offline, of any user of our website;
- the choices that a user makes on the basis of the information on our website and the use of it. The user cannot derive any rights from the information on our website. The website is intended for general information and may, without prior permission or notice, be changed;
- delays or breaks in access to our services;
- events that are not subject to our control;
- for filling in the form IMBRA (International Marriage Broker Regulation Act), according to the USA legislation. In case you are a citizen of the USA or live there and you want to get contact information or meet personally a non-American citizen;
- not finding a (suitable) partner or a (successful) relationship. We do what we can to create good conditions and to offer good services in order to increase your chances, but destiny, your own actions and behaviour determine for a big part the outcome of your communication and meetings with our ladies.

Our tariffs

All our tariffs are including VAT and no additional fee will be charged.


If you want to stop using our service for any reason, then it is possible that we give the money back from the unused credits, on the condition that you have an existing profile at the time of the request. If this is the case, then you can contact us via the "Contact us" button at the bottom of the page and the money will be transferred back within 30 days to your bank account or Paypal account.

Right of withdrawal of membership

Within 14 days of becoming a member, you may invoke the option to withdrawal. If you wish to cancel the membership inside this period, then you can contact us via the "Contact us" button at the bottom of the page and the money will be transferred back within 30 days to your bank account or Paypal account.

Exclusion of right of withdrawal

For online purchases, you have by law the right of withdrawal. However, downloading an E-book and the communication services that we supply (Send Message, Send Virtual Gift, Watch Video, Add to chat partners and Send Interest), are, because of their nature, not included in the right of withdrawal, the performance of these services is given immediately after the consent of the consumer.
It is possible if you no longer wish to use our services, to get a refund of the credits that you have not spent and that are still present in your account. Or if you have purchased a membership, you may cancel it within 14 days of its effective date to receive a refund.

Our service 'Chat/video chat'

The advantage of the chat/video chat is that you can communicate directly with her and that you have it more in your own hands. The consequence is though that you are responsible for your own actions, your communication with her and the outcome. We create good conditions to communicate directly, but fate, your own actions and behavior determine the degree of success of your communication with her. Unlike the rest of our website and services, it is permitted to exchange contact details with each other in the chat/Video chat.


- Report content that may be illegal or otherwise violates the standards.
- Or report that you are not satisfied with our services or the behavior of other members. In such cases, you should as soon as possible get in contact with us. This can be done via the "Contact us" button at the bottom of the page. Complaints about other members can also be made via the button 'Report' on the profile page of this member. Within 7 working days, we will respond to the complaint.
- Our team will review each of these reports carefully and take appropriate action based on the results of our investigation. We may delete or hide content found to be in violation of our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, as well as take action on violating members, if necessary.
- A complaint about our services we shall review and address how we can put it right. Disputes are resolved by mutual agreement when it is possible.
- On agreements between Datingsinglesworldwide.com and the consumer, which concern our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, only Dutch law will apply to it.
- The foregoing shall not affect the right of both parties to a dispute to be submitted to the competent court in The Netherlands.

Limitation on Liability

Any liability of Datingsinglesworldwide.com is in any case limited to direct damage to certain matters and up to the amount paid for our services. We are never liable for indirect damage, including loss of reputation, consequential loss, loss of profit or loss.

Protection of ownership

All intellectual ownership rights and any similar rights in all services offered on our website, products and information is held exclusively by us or its licensors. The information on this website may only be used by the user. According to these rights, it is for the user not legally allowed to transfer, to reproduce, edit, or distribute this information, without prior written permission from the holder(s) of the ownership.

Changes to this Terms of Service

We reserve the right to make changes to this Terms of Service. Any adjustment will be published on this page and then we will refresh the date of 'Effective date', at the top of this page. We recommend that you consult this Terms of Service regularly, so that you always be aware of the contents of the current one.

Ronald - founder and owner
Natalia - employee
Registration number Chamber of Commerce in The Netherlands: 53460383
VAT Identification number: NL002018800B40
